Thursday, April 27, 2006

I'm writing again..

Losing your heart's desire is tragic. But gaining your heart's desire, is all you can hope for. This year, I wished for Love. To immerse myself in someone else, and to wake a heart long afraid to feel.
And if having that is tragic, then, give me tragedy.

Anyway, I'm finally done with the final semester of my 2nd year in Life Science. Albeit much earlier than everyone else, who are still mugging their asses off at this very moment, which would also explain why i'm ostracised right now, hence the abundance to time to write this post. What's next, you ask? Academically, I'll most probably be pursuing a concentration in Biology, so that next time, i can proudly say that i'm a marine biologist, that i swim with the dolphins off the coast of New Zealand and that I own an aquarium (not the tiny ones you see at the dentists, no. i mean, those that you have to reluctantly pay to get in just so your baby brother gets to see what sea-slugs look like). You say i'm seeing starfishes? I say, yes lah.

But life-wise, i'll be going back home this weekend, after almost 3 months of being away from the home which is just a causeway away. I desperately miss home, I really do. And secretly, i also miss having a special someone to go home to, just like last year. Things are different now, and i guess, i'm different too, because of that. Nevertheless, there's always the ye ole faithful, One U, majestically standing there, waiting for her shopping queen to make her triumphant return.

Oh, and i just had a thought the other day (as if i never did) and it has something to do with s'porean men (I hear a hush all around...haha!). Nah, it's nothing controversial or even remotely steamy. It's just something i had to point out about them that is relatively different from the guys we have back home. As you all know, i'm an ignorant foreigner in s'pore, with little or no prior knowledge about the system they have over here. So when i found out that guys here have to undergo what they call, National Service (i use 'what they call' because 'what they call' is very very very different from 'what WE call' NS) i was eager to find out what is that they do in ns. Truth be told, i still have no idea. But, one thing's for sure, it is the very thought that these guys undergo two long years of this rigorous training to be...i dunno, soldiers? It's like, they spend two years in a "twilight zone", a place oblivious to the female species. You don't see them in school for two years, and then, they appear again, changed. You know WHERE they went, but you don't know WHAT they went through. It's the 'lost years', you see, that they have and which we never get to see, that makes it so intriguing. It's as if they KNOW what's it like to be out there...

But of course, i'm a dumb blonde and i know nuts about ns or s'pore or guys. Which also brings me to my next point : i need a new hair colour.

s w e n @ 11:08 PM | |